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Tech and our kids- The science behind the noise.

If you smoke marijuana and drink regularly as a teen you will be inclined to like those things as an adult, over 90% of adult smokers started before the age of 20. Excessive pornography use as a child leaves a deeply rutted neural track that shapes the users sexuality as an adult. The “Social Media Storm”, and all the pressures that come with that, can eat up the teen years of a young girls' life and happens to have coincided with a significant spike in suicide rates among teen girls in particular. Excessive gaming (Fortnight)or YouTube surfing, by boys in particular, often results in increases in anger,isolation, and significant anxiety and depressive disorders. On the next Line One: Your Health Connection, co-host, Prentiss Pemberton will discuss how the developing brain is wired through experience and connection, and how technology stunts and distorts important developmental tasks. We will review the latest research that indicates that we may be participating in a massive human experiment on the impacts of “immersive technology” on the neurological development of our children.We also want to hear more about your thoughts on last week’s topic of cell phone free middle schools. Why or why not? What do you do in your family? What has worked and not worked? Are the schools a good place to provide a block of free time from this constant immersion and would you support the district in making this type of change? Please call in and share your thoughts with us so we can keep the conversation going as a community.Thanks for listening! HOST:  Prentiss Pemberton, LCSWGUESTS:

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LIVE BROADCAST: Wednesday, September 12, 2018, at 10:00 a.m. AKDTREPEAT BROADCAST: Wednesday, September 12, 2018, at 8:00 p.m. AKDTDR. WOODARD’S FAVORITE HEALTH AND SCIENCE LINKS:

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Prentiss Pemberton is a host of LIne One: Your Health Connection at Alaska Public Media. Reach him at