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Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Dig Afognak camp on June 30, 2018. (Photo by Daysha Eaton/KMXT)
Dig Afognak camp on June 30, 2018. (Photo by Daysha Eaton/KMXT)

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From Congress, a call to help fishermen caught in trade war

Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media - Washington D.C.

Democrats in the U.S. House are urging President Trump to give fisherman caught in the trade war with China the same benefits announced Tuesday for farmers.

The Big Thaw: Fishermen in Kodiak cope with record low cod numbers

Annie Feidt, Alaska's Energy Desk - Anchorage

The cod population in the Gulf of Alaska is at its lowest level on record. The culprit is a warm water mass called "the blob" that churned in the Pacific Ocean between 2013 and 2017.

After further review, gasline corp still prefers Nikiski over Port Mac

Casey Grove, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage

The AGDC review says issues with Port MacKenzie include its greater tidal range, heavier buildup of ice and more potential for disturbing endangered Cook Inlet belugas.

State officials weigh shift to more voting by mail

Andrew Kitchenman, KTOO - Juneau

Along with considering a replacement, state officials are looking at a new election system in which many more voters would cast their votes by mail. But rural Alaskans don’t want a system that entirely relies on mail.

Tender capsizes near Clark's Point

Avery Lill, KDLG - Dillingham

The United States Coast Guard recieved a report this morning: The F/V Pacific Knight, a 58-foot longliner operating as tender in Bristol Bay, capsized near Clark's Point. One person is missing.

Body of Togiak fisherman who fell overboard found

Avery Lill, KDLG - Dillingham

The body of a fisherman who fell overboard on Monday in Togiak Bay was found yesterday.

Fire crews continue battle with Taixtsalda Hill fire, estimated at 4,700 acres

Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks

Hot, dry weather in the Interior is bringing wildfires to life. The Taixtsalda Hill Fire near Tok is estimated at 4,700 acres, after being started Monday by an unknown cause.

As lands uplift, a wetland refuge in Juneau is losing ground

Elizabeth Jenkins, Alaska's Energy Desk - Juneau

The land right outside Rue’s house is fairly new. And there’s a geologic explanation for why the view has changed so much since his kids were small.

Summer camp promotes Alutiiq culture on Afognak Island

Daysha Eaton, KMXT - Kodiak

Afognak descendants are making sure a new generation has a connection to Alutiiq culture, language and the land where their ancestors lived -- through a summer camp.

Nome Nugget newspaper under new ownership

Gabe Colombo, KNOM - Nome

As of last week, managing editor Diana Haecker and her husband, advertising manager Nils Hahn, now own the Nome-based newspaper.

Wesley Early covers Anchorage at Alaska Public Media. Reach him at or 907-550-8421.