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Zulkosky takes seat as House District 38 representative
Andrew Kitchenman, KTOO - Juneau
Tiffany Zulkosky took the oath of office today to become the new state representative for Alaska's 38th district, which includes Bethel.
House bill to declare state of emergency for Alaska Native languages passes committee
Christine Trudeau, KYUK - Bethel
A bill to declare a state of emergency for Alaska Native Languages has moved out of one state House committee and into another. House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 19 saw widespread testimonial support from Alaska Native academics, Tribal members, and non-Native Alaskans as well.
Following alcohol complaints, governor's office proposes meeting with Napaskiak leaders
Teresa Cotsirilos, KYUK - Bethel
The governor’s office plans to meet with leaders from Bethel and Napaskiak to discuss the impact of legal alcohol sales on Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta communities.
Larsen Bay residents fear losing school
Mitch Borden, KMXT - Kodiak
In villages across Alaska, schools are the beating hearts of rural communities. Of course, that’s where kids are educated. But school sites also often provide the only basketball courts and meeting halls around. And, in the Kodiak Archipelago, at least half of the region’s villages are facing losing their schools.
Bad weather all but shuts down critical Iditarod checkpoint
Zachariah Hughes, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
Bad weather is hitting a crucial stretch of the Iditarod trail along the Yukon River. And that's throwing a wrench into the plans of some of the top teams.
Musher chases bison off trail, with an ax
Davis Hovey, KNOM - Nome
Wildlife are a common occurrence on the Iditarod trail, and they sometimes have chance encounters with mushers. Now, in this year’s Iditarod, one more musher can say they’ve come across bison along the trail.
AK: Juneau shamanism retreat leader’s financial, cultural and spiritual legitimacy challenged
Scott Burton, KTOO - Juneau
Sealaska Heritage Institute says the Dance of the Deer Foundation exploits shamanism.
49 Voices: Richard Hensley of Kotzebue
Anne Hillman, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
This week we're hearing from Richard Hensley in Kotzebue. Hensley lives in an assisted living facility now, but used to live with his sister and brother-in-law.