The University of Alaska Board of Regents meets today and Friday in Anchorage to vote on the university budget and proposed tuition increases.Listen nowThe agenda includes approval of the university’s budget for the next fiscal year.The total proposed budget is just under $920 million, including a requested $341 million appropriation from the state. That’s a $24 million increase from last year’s request.State funding to the university has declined by about $60 million since 2014, forcing cutbacks in academic programming, faculty and staff across campuses.Regents also will consider a request for $50 million from the state to address the university’s deferred maintenance backlog.A 10 percent tuition increase over the next two years also is on the table.Regents will decide whether to raise tuition at most campuses by 5 percent in both the 2019 and 2020 academic years.Tuition at Kodiak College and Prince William Sound College would increase by nearly twice as much, in order to even out tuition rates across the University of Alaska system.University of Alaska President Jim Johnsen also will present on phase three of Strategic Pathways, the university’s comprehensive cost-cutting plan.Regents also will receive an update on how the university has improved its response to sexual harassment and assault allegations.The full board meeting, aside from executive session, will be livestreamed online.