Planned Parenthood applauds Sen. Murkowski for going against ‘global gag rule’

Sen. Lisa Murkowski. (Photo: Liz Ruskin)

Planned Parenthood is praising U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski for signing onto a bill that would permanently repeal what’s known as the “global gag rule” or the “Mexico City Policy.”

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The rule bans federal money for overseas family planning programs if the programs also provide abortion, or provide information about abortion.

President Trump recently signed an order to reinstate the rule.

This week, more than 40 U.S. senators have sponsored a bill to overturn the so-called gag rule.

Senator Murkowski said the bill ensures the U.S. won’t discriminate against international organizations that counsel women about their reproductive health options but would not allow spending federal funds to perform abortions.

In a written statement, the senator said the gag rule undermines America’s standing abroad.

Murkowski’s voting record on abortion is uneven, but she is one of the few Senate Republicans who often adopts positions that favor abortion rights.

Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her Read more about Lizhere.

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