Murkowski praises Trump pipeline initiatives

Donald Trump signing legislation expediting energy projects (Photo: The White House)

On Jan. 24, President Donald Trump signed memos aimed at advancing two controversial pipelines and speeding environmental reviews of other energy projects.

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Trump’s actions drew praise from U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski. The Alaska Republican called Trump’s actions “a welcome sign” and “a good start.”

Trump signed one memo to expedite review of the Dakota Access Pipeline, which has been the subject of a prolonged protest. Murkowski, chairman of the Senate Energy Committee, has been mostly silent about that controversy, despite protests at her Alaska offices.

The president signed another memo intended to revive the Keystone XL Pipeline from Canada, which Murkowski has championed. Trump issued separate memos about pipelines and infrastructure projects more generally.

Murkowski praised Trump’s memos collectively, without mentioning the Dakota project by name, or using the word “pipeline.” In a written statement, she said she wants projects “built and operated responsibly,” after consultation with the people affected. Murkowski also said federal agencies have been sources of delay and that reform is “long overdue.”

Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her Read more about Lizhere.

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