David Cornberg has the last word in “Coming into the Country”

David Cornberg went by the name “River Wind” in the late 70s when he was looking for a place to live along the Yukon River. (Photo: Lynn Cornberg)

The last person John McPhee talks to in his book Coming into the Country is a man who calls himself River Wind. At the time, River Wind was 32 years old, about to head down the Yukon in a 15 foot aluminum canoe to find a place to live. Forty years later, he goes by his given name, David Cornberg and spends most of the year in Fairbanks.

Cornberg says he went by River Wind at the time in an attempt to wipe away every trace of civilization as he began his adventure in the country. He says he met McPhee in Eagle after he went to see the postmaster, looking for maps.

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Annie Feidt is the broadcast managing editor at Alaska Public Media. Reach her atafeidt@alaskapublic.org. Read more about Anniehere

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