A week after return to duty, Fairbanks police Chief back on leave

Fairbanks city police Chief Randall Aragon is on administrative leave again. A week after outgoing Mayor John Eberhart returned Aragon to duty, newly sworn in Mayor Jim Matherly reversed the order Tuesday and put the chief back on paid leave. Matherly said the decision is because an independent investigation into whether or not a private security business operated by the chief constitutes a conflict of interest, is still pending.

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”It’s my responsibility to see the report, present it to the council and then decide what the next action should be,” Matherly said. “But I wanted to send a message that whether you’re the chief or somebody else in city hall, you need to be held to the same standard of at least getting in the report and then finalizing it that way.”

Chief Aragon was first placed on leave in mid-September, when allegations were initially leveled. In bringing the chief back last week, former Mayor Eberhart cited several reasons, including an internal city investigation that found nothing requiring corrective or disciplinary action. Deputy Chief Brad Johnson has resumed the role of acting chief.

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Dan Bross is a reporter at KUAC in Fairbanks.

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