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Trump, Johnson miss deadline for state's election pamphlet

Neither Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump or Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson will have a full-page spread in Alaska's official elections pamphlet.

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The Alaska Division of Elections says neither candidate sent in the required information by the Aug. 30 deadline.

Presidential candidates are required to submit a candidate statement, photograph and a $300 fee in order to receive a full page in the state's election pamphlet.

The Division of Elections sent letters in early August to the parties of those running for the presidency, requesting the required information.

Both Trump and Johnson are named in the pamphlet under a list of presidential candidates and will be on the November 8th ballot.

Alaska's official elections pamphlet is distributed around the state and is available in English, Spanish, Tagalog, and several Alaska Native languages.

Josh is the Statewide Morning News Reporter/Producer for Alaska Public Media | jedge (at) alaskapublic (dot) org | 907.550.8455 | About Josh