Heavy rain forecasted for the Alaska Range

Heavy rain is forecasted for the Alaska Range. National Weather Service meteorologist Scott Berg said two systems coming together over the state are expected to dump significant moisture on the mountains.

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“We have a low pressure system sitting out on the Gulf of Alaska that’s gonna kinda move North,” Berg said. “And we have high pressure building in the Interior, and what’s gonna happen is it’ll have a convergent area right above the Alaska Range that’ll develop. And with that, a lot of moisture is gonna be pumped in from the South to the Alaska Range and so that’s gonna develop into some heavy rains through the Alaska range through the rest of the week.”

Berg said areas to the north of the mountain should largely be shadowed from heavy precipitation.

“Most of the Interior should stay out of the rain. We do expect some showers along the north slopes of the Alaska Range, but most likely not as far north as Fairbanks.”

Berg noted that Fairbanks is nearing a monthly rainfall record. 3.21 inches of rain has fallen so far this month.

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Dan Bross is a reporter at KUAC in Fairbanks.

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