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Person of interest in Gambell woman's disappearance dies by suicide
Associated Press
A body found outside the Bering Sea island community of Gambell has been identified as a missing village woman.
Legislation in motion to grant tribal entities health care facilities
Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks
A U.S. House committee held a hearing Wednesday on legislation that would transfer federal lands in Tanana and Dillingham to tribal entities for health care facilities. HR 4289 would convey 11 acres in Tanana to the Tanana Tribal Council. Council Secretary Dorothy Jordan testified before the House Indian, Insular and Alaska Native Affairs subcommittee in support of transfer of the former Indian Health Service hospital site.
State, Southeast Conference agree to rework ferry system
Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau
The state and a regional development group are combining forces to come up with a new business and management plan for the Alaska Marine Highway System.
Flights grounded for Obama stop in Alaska
Zachariah Hughes, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
Aviators in Southcentral Alaska are being asked to observe a temporary flight restriction Saturday evening during a brief presidential visit.
Mat-Su school board selects new superintendent
Ellen Lockyer, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
The Matanuska Susitna Borough school board has announced a replacement for outgoing school superintendent Deena Paramo.
New tribal court programs aim to reduce recidivism
Elizabeth Jenkins, KTOO - Juneau
Two new tribal court programs are getting off the ground at Central Council Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska. They’re focused on reducing recidivism.
Geologists look at possibility of tsunami-inducing megaquakes
Zoe Sobel, KUCB - Unalaska
In the next 50 years there’s a 9% chance of an Aleutian Islands earthquake so strong it could send a devastating tsunami to Hawaii. That’s according to researchers from University of Hawaii at Manoa.
BBAHC on the frontlines against bed bugs in rural Alaska
Hannah Colton, KDLG - Dillingham
Two Native Corporations are using a $100,000 EPA grant to get rural communities the tools they need to combat bed bug infestations.
AK: Palmer, where the bison roam
Ellen Lockyer, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
A new honor for the American bison.. it's now an official national mammal.
49 Voices: Greg Martinez of Anchorage
Wesley Early, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
This week we're hearing from Greg Martinez in Anchorage. Martinez is a UPS worker who moved to Anchorage from New York 12 years ago.