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Four bills aimed at cutting state costs raise local concerns
Andrew Kitchenman, KTOO – Juneau
Senators introduced four new bills Monday that would require local governments and schools to pay more for pensions, end two college scholarship programs, and cut the amount that municipalities receive in state funding. Municipalities and schools are concerned about the effect on taxes and services.
‘Huge anomaly’: warm winter limits sea-ice formation, experts say
Tim Ellis, KUAC – Fairbanks
Scientists say warm winter weather around the circumpolar north has led to another record-setting year of decreasing sea-ice coverage of the Arctic Ocean. As KUAC’s Tim Ellis reports, the extent of sea ice formed over this past winter was even smaller than the previous record-low extent set last year.
Murkowski holds hearings to discuss public lands handling
Robert Hannon, KUAC – Fairbanks
U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski is in Alaska holding field hearings as the chair of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Monday she invited leaders from the state’s energy, mining and labor sectors to offer their perspectives on how the federal government is doing its job managing public lands.
‘Gateways for Growth’: New plan to make Municipality more inclusive
Anne Hillman, KSKA – Anchorage
The Municipality of Anchorage is launching a new initiative to make the community and the economy more inclusive. The city received a grant to participate in the Gateways for Growth Challenge.
Severed cable in Kansas hampers test grading in Sitka
Robert Woolsey, KCAW – Sitka
Alaska’s star-crossed educational testing system suffered another setback Tuesday when a fiber-optic cable near the University of Kansas was severed at about 10:30 this morning Alaska time.
Ketchikan responders train for terrorism
Leila Kheiry, KRBD – Ketchikan
About 33 law enforcement officers and first responders from 10 different federal, state and local agencies in Ketchikan recently came together for a two-day anti-terrorism training event. They learned how to be more aware of potential terrorism plots and, just as important, built inter-agency relationships.
Russian and American officials sign wildlife management agreement
Emily Russell, KNOM – Nome
Cooperation across the Bering Strait was strengthened last week when the US and Russia signed a joint wildlife agreement. Officials from the two Arctic nations met in San Diego to discuss polar bear and snow goose monitoring efforts in Alaska and Chukotka.
Peninsula ‘Food Hubs’ set to launch in May
Daysha Eaton, KBBI – Homer
Farmer’s markets are going virtual. Soon Kenai Peninsula residents will be able to buy locally grown food online. The new marketplaces are called ‘Food Hubs’.