Alaska boasts 8th highest volunteer rate in US

Thirty-four percent of Alaskans volunteer with organizations. That’s the 8th highest rate in the United States, according to the Corporation for National and Community Service. The number one contribution in Alaska is providing transportation for seniors and others who have difficulty getting around.

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The organization’s CEO, Wendy Spencer, says many things influence whether or not people chose to volunteer.

“Education rates, home ownership rates, poverty rates, the density of non-profits. So maybe you would see more volunteering in Anchorage as opposed to a smaller community because you have more faith organizations and non-profits to volunteer through.”

The rankings don’t take into account that 62 percent of Alaskans say they volunteer informally just by helping their neighbors. That pales compared to Utah’s 77 percent but is far above New Mexico, where only half the people say they help their neighbors. Spencer says all in all, the data shows Alaskans are doing pretty well.

“It shows that you really do reach out and help your neighbors,” she says. “You care a lot about the community in Alaska. It’s not only a beautiful place to visit but it’s also a kind place.”

Utah ranked first for all volunteer rates for every age other than teenagers. Most people there contributed time to religious organizations.

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Anne Hillman is the healthy communities editor at Alaska Public Media and a host of Hometown, Alaska. Reach her Read more about Annehere.

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