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BOEM staffers say rush for Arctic study undermined their work
Liz Ruskin, APRN - Anchorage
When Shell announced it was giving up on its exploration project in the Arctic Ocean, it blamed, in part, the challenging regulatory climate. But an inspector general’s report released Monday says many of the government regulators who worked the case felt they were too rushed to provide a rigorous review.
Juneau loses boundary dispute to Petersburg
Jeremy Hsieh, KTOO - Juneau
The Alaska Supreme Court has settled a boundary dispute between Juneau and Petersburg affecting about 1,500 square miles of Southeast.
UAA, Providence gripe over U-Med road decision
Anne Hillman, KSKA - Anchorage
Zachariah Hughes, KSKA - Anchorage
Josh Edge, KSKA - Anchorage
Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz has withdrawn the city's support for the $20 million dollar Northern Access Project, also called the U-Med District Road.
Tesoro's Flint Hills acquisition expected to streamline petroleum distribution
Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks
Tesoro’s pending acquisition of Flint Hill’s fuel distribution and marketing operations in Fairbanks, North Pole and Anchorage, will streamline the transportation of refined petroleum products from Southcentral to the Interior.
Tanacross hydropower project nets $500K federal grant
Robert Hannon, KUAC - Fairbanks
A small hydropower project near Tanacross is one step closer to start-up after receiving a half-million dollar federal grant.
'Deadbeat' Eklutna dam overdue for removal, group says
Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage
An old dam on the Eklutna River has blocked salmon runs there for decades. Now, an Alaska Native tribe wants to tear the dam down and restore fish to the river.
Bethel hopes housing initiative may help retain city workers
Anna Rose MacArthur, KYUK - Bethel
Jobs in rural Alaska are often seen as a career stepping stone. Professionals fill a job for a year, maybe two, and leave, taking career skills and experience with them. How to break the cycle and retain workers is a puzzle for leaders in rural Alaska.
The real Sitka journey of Steinbeck’s ‘Doc Ricketts’
Robert Woolsey, KCAW - Sitka
A new collection of essays about one of the most iconic figures in American literature has been published, shedding new light on his connections to Alaska.