VA Secretary to Visit 49th State

VA Sec. Robert McDonald. Photo: VA
VA Sec. Robert McDonald. Photo: VA

Alaska can expect another high-level Washington visitor next month. The Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Robert McDonald, plans to come to the state for several days starting Aug. 11. An outline of his travel agenda includes meetings with the Alaska Native Health Board and the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, as well as trips to Point Hope and Kotzebue. The agenda also mentions Wasilla and a likely veterans’ townhall. The full list of events has not been released.

The VA secretary’s visit appears unrelated to President Obama’s trip to Alaska at the end of August.

According to VA figures, nearly 1 in 10 Alaskans is a veteran.

Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her Read more about Lizhere.

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