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With Legislature In Limbo, Walker Calls For Action On Bills
Alexandra Gutierrez, APRN – Juneau
The Legislature blew past its adjournment deadline on Sunday, all but one committee meeting scheduled since then has been canceled or delayed indefinitely. Now, Gov. Bill Walker is calling on lawmakers to do work on bills for as long as it continues to be in session.
Sen. Sullivan Adds Amendment To Human Trafficking Bill
Liz Ruskin, APRN – Anchorage
Sen. Dan Sullivan added an amendment to the human trafficking bill the U.S. Senate passed Wednesday. Sullivan says it addresses a problem he faced as Alaska’s Attorney General.
Rep. Young Advocating For Transfer Of Air Force Land To Galena
Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks
The Yukon River community of Galena could be relocated out of flood danger if a land transfer being pushed by Alaska Congressman Don Young goes through. The village, which is still recovering from a major flood two years ago, will likely approach moving with multiple steps over time.
The Blind Spot: Harm Reduction at the Transit Center
Zachariah Hughes & Anne Hillman, KSKA – Anchorage
If you’re a teenager in Anchorage struggling with homelessness, hunger, or addiction there are few places to turn. All week we’ve been hearing about a wide gap between early exposure to drugs and alcohol, and the crises that bring people into treatment, part of our series called “The Blind Spot” KSKA’s Zachariah Hughes visited one of the few organizations in Anchorage helping at-risk teens on their own terms, hidden in plain sight in one of the city’s busiest buildings.
Unalaska’s Geothermal Hopes Stall Without City Backing
Annie Ropeik, KUCB – Unalaska
A years-long effort to bring geothermal power to Unalaska may be on its last legs. The city government is draining its accounts for exploring Makushin Volcano, saying the project is too expensive and risky to pursue any further. The private trust that owns the resource disagrees, but they’re stymied without local support.
Two Face Felony Charges for Alleged $25,000 Theft from Nome Schools
Matthew Smith, KNOM – Nome
Two Nome residents are facing felony charges for theft and falsifying business records after allegedly stealing more than $25,000 from Nome Public Schools.
Bethel Team Envisions Greywater Recycling
Ben Matheson, KYUK – Bethel
A Bethel team is reenvisioning how household water is treated. They hope to build and test a custom grey water recycling system for hauled water systems in western Alaska that could cut steeply the amount of water households need to buy and how much sewage they produce.
PSP: Tribal Partnership Seeks Modern Solution To An Ancient Problem
Emily Kwong, KCAW – Sitka
Of all the traditional seafoods in Southeast Alaska, none are more shrouded in myth — and genuine risk — than clams and mussels. Paralytic shellfish poisoning — or PSP — killed two people in Southeast in 2010 and dozens more have fallen ill over the recorded history of the state.
For subsistence harvesters, there has been no way to measure the risk of clam digging — until now.