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EPA Administrator Insists Water Rule isn't a Power Grab
Liz Ruskin, APRN – Washington DC
EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy defended a proposed Clean Water Act rule to a joint committee of Congress today. Republican critics charge it's an egregious case of federal overreach. The rule is of special concern in Alaska.
UAA Prioritization Report Lays Out Next Steps, Many Questions Remain
Josh Edge, APRN – Anchorage
The University of Alaska Anchorage yesterdayreleased its report on the findings of the prioritization process it has been undergoing for the last year and a half. It gives recommendations and lays out a basic plan of how the university should move forward, but many questions remain unanswered.
Priceless Yupik Art Stolen From YKHC
Charles Enoch, KYUK – Bethel
The Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation is offering a reward for information to help find thirteen pieces of Yup'ik artwork that were stolen from display cases.
Tax On Alcohol to Treat Anchorage's Worsening Substance Abuse Issues Fails
Zachariah Hughes, KSKA – Anchorage
A controversial plan to put an alcohol tax before Anchorage voters on the April ballot died before the Assembly Tuesday night. The plan is the latest proposed solution to the city's costly issues managing chronic inebriates.
How Much Debris Litters Alaska's Beaches?
Steve Heimel, APRN – Anchorage
Thanks to funding from the government of Japan, plans are being made to pick up hundreds of tons of plastic marine debris that has been gathered from Alaska's beaches.
Interior Tourism Expecting Boost In 2015
Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks
More visitors are expected to head to Fairbanks in 2015. Interior tourism operators got a preview of prospects for the upcoming season during a recent conference in Fairbanks. Most of the expected visitor increase is tied to cruise ship and airline industry changes.
Another Congress, Another Bill to Rename it Mount Denali
Liz Ruskin, APRN – Washington DC
Sen. Lisa Murkowski has filed a bill to forever change the name of Mount McKinley to Denali. As in past years, it will no doubt be blocked by lawmakers from Ohio, the birth state of President William McKinley.