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Mallott To Decide Walker’s Future Involvement In Point Thomson Settlement
Alexandra Gutierrez, APRN – Juneau
Gov. Bill Walker has delegated his authority on the Point Thomson lawsuit to his lieutenant governor, while still leaving open the possibility of his involvement.
New Campaign Hoping to Increase Conservation in Aleutians
Lauren Rosenthal, KUCB – Unalaska
The waters around the Aleutian Islands support a dizzying range of wildlife -- and major industries right along with it. Right now, the government’s job is to help find a balance. But there’s a new campaign to permanently tip the scales toward conservation in the Aleutian Chain.
Arctic Shipping Chills In 2014
Liz Ruskin, APRN – Washington, DC
Predictions of the Arctic as a major shipping route appear to have dimmed in 2014. Just 31 ships sailed between Europe and Asia across the Northern Sea Route, and 22 did part of the route. That’s down from a total of more than 70 in 2013. Malte Humpert, director of a Washington-based think tank called the Arctic Institute, said the number of transits is an indication of slower economic activity in the Arctic, and predictions of an Arctic boom have cooled, too.
Crude Price Drop Unlikely To Affect Fuel Prices In Western Alaska
Francesca Fenzi, KNOM - Nome
Oil prices continue to fall, with Brent crude around $55 a barrel –and gasoline prices are dipping below $3 per gallon in Anchorage. But even as fuel prices plummet, rural Alaskans are unlikely to see major savings. Sean Thomas is the vice president of energy and shipping corporation Crowley Maritime. He said western Alaska’s unique geography is a contributing factor to static fuel prices in the region.
Fish and Game Commissioner: All Resources Important
Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage
Fish and Game resources are important to nearly every Alaskan and the state's new acting commissioner of Fish and Game says he'll take that to heart as he makes decisions. Sam Cotten is a former democratic state lawmaker. More recently, he's been a commercial fishermen and a member of the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council.
Anchorage Sets New Temperature Record
Joaqlin Estus, KNBA – Anchorage
The city of Anchorage can claim a new record. The city did not see a temperature drop below zero for the entire year of 2014. The last time Anchorage residents saw a below zero reading was Dec. 26 of 2013.
Bainbridge Island Nonprofit Providing Unique Deliveries
Ashley Gross, KPLU – Seattle
This time of year, many have been buying pasta or cans of soup to contribute to food drives. But food bank organizers say they could use foods with protein. A Bainbridge Island, Washington nonprofit is delivering such foods in a unique way.