Alaska News Nightly: November 21, 2014

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LNG Project Gets Export Approval

The Associated PRess

A federal agency has approved the export of liquefied natural gas from a proposed mega-project in Alaska to free-trade nations.

Regional Tribal Government Considered by Calista Regional Committee

Ben Matheson, KYUK – Bethel

Could the YK Delta see a new tribal government system?  Delegates from the region will consider steps that could lead to a new regional government, new taxes, and a constitutional convention.  That topic will be front and center at a meeting of the Regional Committee Monday in Anchorage. The group was created by the board of directors of Calista, the YK Delta’s regional native corporation.

Kennels Protected Under New Mat-Su Ordinance

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage

Dog mushers in the Matanuska Susitna Borough now are protected under a new Borough ordinance.  The law licenses kennels, and is aimed at protecting mushers against complaints from neighbors as the Mat Su population grows.

Another Orphaned Alaska Bear Cub Needs A Home

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks

Another orphaned Alaska bear cub needs a home. The young black bear found near Eagle is the 8th the state has dealt with this year.  The other seven cubs, all but one black, including a trio rescued in Galena in September, have been placed in lower 48 wildlife care facilities.  The fate of the latest orphaned cub is uncertain.

NOAA Designates Kachemak Bay a Habitat Focus Area

Shady Grove Oliver, KBBI – Homer

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced this week it is designating Kachemak Bay as its next habitat focus area. That will open up the door to more directed research and conservation efforts and possible federal funding.

Federal Court Rejects Alaska’s Appeal

The Associated Press

The state of Alaska has lost another attempt to reinstate a ban on same-sex marriage, and Gov.-elect Bill Walker has changed his stance on the issue.

Listen: What Marriage Means For One Alaska Same-Sex Couple

Lisa Phu, KTOO – Juneau

Since same-sex marriage became legal in Alaska  around 90 marriage license applications have been issued to same sex couples

AK: Eagles Up Close

Emily Files, KHNS – Haines

Each fall, thousands of bald eagles flock to a stretch of the Chilkat River about 20 miles north of Haines. The birds fly there for a late chum salmon run. And it’s one of the largest gathering of eagles in the world. Dozens of people travel to witness the raptors each year, filling up almost every hotel room in Haines.

300 Villages: South Naknek

This week, we’re heading to the community of South Naknek on Bristol Bay. Lorianne Rawson is the tribal administrator with the native village of South Naknek.

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