Senator Lyman Hoffman to Caucus with Majority

Y-K Delta Senator Lyman Hoffman will be caucusing with the Majority Caucus. The group met Wednesday in Anchorage to organize and name leadership. Hoffman is the first Democrat to join this version of the 15-person body. He says he’s had positive experiences working with members on gasline legislation.

Senator Lyman Hoffman. (Photo by Skip Gray/Gavel Alaska)
Senator Lyman Hoffman. (Photo by Skip Gray/Gavel Alaska)

“They want to continue work on energy for all Alaska, I think that’s critical, today that’s my number one issue, so I’ve agreed to join that organization and accept a seat on Finance, and work on that issue. I think it will be beneficial to our region and our state,” said Hoffman.

Two Democrats caucused with the group last session. Hoffman caucused with the smaller Senate Democrats in the last legislature.

As oil prices hover well below what the state had planned, legislators are expecting to have to make significant cuts to state spending if they’re to avoid draining the state’s savings accounts. Hoffman says he’ll coordinate with the caucus as they attempt to make a smaller budget.

“[I’ll]work with them to make sure all areas of Alaska are treated fairly when we start to streamline state government,” said Hoffman.

The influential Finance committee has named its membership, but the makeup of the other committees will be set in December. The legislature convenes January 20th.

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Ben Matheson is a contributor with the Alaska Public Radio Network.

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