The Anchorage School District and military recruiters met Monday to discuss the steps that need to be taken in order for recruiters to be allowed back on school campuses.
ASD Superintendent Ed Graff in a press conference after the meeting says the conversation revolved around student safety.
"We talked about what our training expectations were for staff; some of the mandatory reporting that we do; the annual training about adult/student boundaries; discussed with all of them what their expectations were," Graff said. "Asked specifically for them to provide the training that they do to us so we could review it. And, again, just wanted to ensure that we were in alignment around what those expectations were."
Graff says Monday's meeting is the first in what will be a series of conversations. It's unclear when military recruiters will be allowed back in Anchorage schools, but Graff anticipates the timeline will be different for the Alaska National Guard than other branches of the military.
"I think that in light of the allegations that are out there, there are questions we still have to investigate and conversations that have to take place," Graff said. "So I have a separate meeting that I'm gonna be holding with them."
ASD invited all branches of the military to attend Monday's meeting - one declined, citing concerns about media potentially being in attendance. The district declined to say which branch, but Graff has been in contact with them, and will follow up at a later date. No media outlets were invited to the meeting.
Recruiters were banned from Anchorage schools last week.