Sullivan Continues to Lead Fundraising Battle

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In the U.S. Senate race, Dan Sullivan’s financial advantage over other
Republican contenders continues to grow.

Sullivan has raised more than $4 million, most of it from Outside  Alaska.
He’s done well in Ohio, the headquarters of the paint company his family
runs. Money has also poured into the Sullivan campaign from national
fundraising groups working to win Republican control of the Senate.

A separate group, led by Alaska adman Art Hackney, is running its own
pro-Sullivan ads. The Hackney superPAC has raised nearly half a million
dollars. Most of that has come from Sullivan’s parents and brother in Ohio,
who added $300,000 to the fund last month.

Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell is running a distant second, with contributions
hovering around the $1 million mark. He has also loaned the campaign
$250,000 of his own. Joe Miller’s campaign is running on about $300,000.

Sen. Mark Begich, a Democrat, has no opposition in the Primary. He’s raised
more than $6 million.

Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her Read more about Lizhere.

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