Sunday night shoot spree results in no injuries

Few details are available about Sunday’s 3 am drive-by shooting in Anchorage near 47th Avenue and Arctic Blvd.  An Anchorage party bus with 17 people inside was shot 10 times by at least four different guns. Bullets entered through the back window and the body of the 28-passenger vehicle. No one was injured.

Left: Markers showing where APD found bullet casings. Right: Bullet holes in the Anchorage Limo and Sedan vehicle. Photos courtesy of APD.
Left: Markers showing where APD found bullet casings.
Right: Bullet holes in the Anchorage Limo and Sedan vehicle.
Photos courtesy of APD.

The police contacted the driver about three and half miles away near Lake Otis and Northern Lights. All of but one of the occupants had fled when the bus stopped. The remaining witness told police she didn’t know why anyone would shoot at the bus. They had been at Al’s Alaska Inn for about two hours before the shooting. She said she didn’t know about any fights there.

Police are still trying to identify the shooters and locate people from the bus. They photographed and collected more than 30 shell casings at the scene. They say incidents like this are very rare.

a portrait of a woman outside

Anne Hillman is the healthy communities editor at Alaska Public Media and a host of Hometown, Alaska. Reach her Read more about Annehere.

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