Alaska News Nightly: July 4, 2014

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Holly Brooks Reclaims Mt. Marathon Title

Alexandra Gutierrez, APRN – Seward

Tens of thousands of spectators were on hand in Seward for the start of the 2014 Mount Marathon race Friday.

Historic Quake Disrupts Life, Habitat In Aleutians

Annie Ropeik, KUCB – Unalaska

At a magnitude 7.9, last week’s deep-sea earthquake was the most powerful to hit the Western Aleutians in 50 years. The quake didn’t cause any structural damage — but it was a reminder that life in the islands can change in an instant.

White House Makes Economic Case For Expanding Medicaid In Alaska

Alexandra Gutierrez, APRN – Anchorage

The White House has issued a report laying out the costs of not expanding Medicaid. Alaska is one of 24 states that rejected federal dollars to increase access to Medicaid, preferring instead to study how those who would have qualified are currently receiving care.

Atka Camp Serves Up Subsistence Lessons

Lauren Rosenthal, KUCB – Unalaska

A pop-up subsistence school has opened in a remote corner of the Aleutians. Atka’s second-annual culture camp is meant to keep Unangan traditions going strong.

Smithsonian Channel Program Attempts To Encapsulate 49th State

Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage

A program airing this Sunday on the Smithsonian Channel tries to capture the majesty of the 49th state. Toby Beach is the producer and director of Aerial America. The show features all 50 states, but only Alaska was given a two hour treatment rather than one. Beach says the program cuts through the distorted view of Alaska that people may get from the flood of so-called reality TV shows about the state.

Charter Vessel With Exotic Dancing Gets Mixed Reception

Jay Barrett, KMXT – Kodiak

A lot of fishing boats were removed from the Bering Sea crab grounds after rationalization prompted a huge surge in quota stacking and consolidation of the fleet. Some crab boats sit unused in harbors around the state, others are being used as tenders in other fisheries, but in Kodiak, one has been turned into a strip club.

AK: Farming

Johanna Eurich, APRN Contributor

The dream of homesteading and living off the land is part of the Alaskan mystique. Few succeed. The couple who owns Chugach Farm, have made it work on only one acre in the middle of the woods in Chickaloon.

300 Villages: Tanana

This week, we’re visiting the interior village of Tanana. Donna May Folger is mayor of Tanana.

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