Disaster Assistance Centers Open In Kotlik And Stebbins

People on the coast who took on storm damage from the early November storms are now able to apply for state disaster assistance funds. The state has set up a phone line and website for people to being their application.

Jeremy Zidek is with the state division of homeland security and emergency management. He says there will be temporary in-person teams in two communities: Kotlik and Stebbins.

“Disaster assistance centers will have verifiers, so once people fill out their application in person, verifiers will go out with them to their homes and verify that damage,” Zedik said.

The Kotlik center will be open on Monday at the School Library. The surge of water ripped up water and sewer pipes and damaged dozens of homes. As homeowners prepare for a cold winter with storm damage, there are two disaster programs that could help.

The first covers damages to homes, personal property, transportation, and medical expenses related to the disaster. For the process to work, the state is asking for homeowners’ help.

“Ready the most important thing people can do to speed the process along is to be ready to fill out their application, have those description of damages, home ownership documentation, insurance information, and personal information ready,” Zidek said.

The cap on individual and family grants is $16,200 dollars. Zidek emphasizes that these disaster funds is a payer of last resort. People must first make insurance claims or take advantage of other assistance programs.

The second disaster program is for temporary housing grants that could benefit Kotlik’s displaced families.

“Folk that haven’t been able to stay in their homes have found shelter with friends or relatives. Our team will be look at that and if people need help finding alternate housing we can do that our temporary housing program,” Zidek said.

The phone number to call 1-855-445-7131. The link to apply is here. The deadline to apply is January 17th.

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Ben Matheson is a contributor with the Alaska Public Radio Network.

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