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Alaska News Nightly: November 5, 2013

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State Takes On Feds Over Control Of Rivers

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks

The state is taking on the federal government in court again. The case involves state’s rights and control of rivers.

AFN Officials Revisit Subsistence Issues

Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage

Officials with the Alaska Federation of Natives gathered on Monday in Anchorage, Juneau and Bethel on a teleconference to denounce the state's lawsuit.

Murkowski Questions Head Of

Liz Ruskin, APRN – Washington DC

The Obama Administration claims it has fixed some of the problems with the new online federal health insurance marketplace, but so far Alaskans remain mostly shut out. Sen.  Lisa Murkowski had a chance to grill the top official in charge of the website at a Senate hearing today, and she used it to air some of her frustrations.

Persistence Pays Off On Health Insurance Marketplace

Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage

Despite extensive problems with, a few dozen Alaskans have managed to enroll in health plans on the marketplace. Anchorage hair stylist Lara Imler is one of them. She credits a degree in computer programming for helping her get through the process.

Murkowski Misses Vote On Anti-Discrimination Bill

Liz Ruskin, APRN – Washington DC

Monday night, the U.S. Senate last voted to move ahead with a bill to protect gay people from workplace discrimination.

Group Prepares To Turn In Application To Recall Lindsey Holmes

Alexandra Gutierrez, APRN – Juneau

Today is Election Day in states like New Jersey and Virginia, where there are big governors' races. But even though voters aren't going to the polls in Alaska, it's not totally quiet here. A group that wants to remove state legislator Lindsey Holmes from office is turning in their recall application on Wednesday morning.

Serious Arson Up In Anchorage

Daysha Eaton, KSKA – Anchorage

Serious arson seems to be on the rise in Anchorage for 2013.

North Pole Company Suffers Multimillion Dollar Loss After Building Burns

Tim Ellis, KUAC – Fairbanks

Investigators are trying to determine what sparked the fire that destroyed a maintenance building at a North Pole cement plant on Monday morning. No one was injured, but the owners of HC Redi-Mix are feeling the pain of a multimillion-dollar loss caused by the fire – which not only destroyed the building, but also several pieces of heavy equipment inside.

AEL&P Parent Company Agrees To Merger With Spokane-Based Avista

Casey Kelly, KTOO – Juneau

The parent company of Juneau electric utility Alaska Electric Light & Power has agreed to merge with Spokane, Washington-based Avista Corporation. Alaska Energy and Resources Company will join Avista subsidiary Avista Utilities by July 2014, pending the approval of state and federal regulators, as well as AERC shareholders.

Savoonga, Gambell Request Help From Delegation

Zachariah Hughes, KNOM – Nome

Kawerak recently sent out letters to Alaska’s senators and congressmen urging them to provide aid to the two communities on St. Lawrence Island. As the letter details, residents of Savoonga and Gambell are struggling with the worst subsistence harvest on record.