Surfing on St. George Island

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Alaska Teen Media Institute Senior Producer Mario Davis and Assistant Director Robert Stormo were in St. George for Seabird Camp 2013. ATMI was there to teach students how to shoot and make a movie about what they learned during camp. They were scheduled to be on the island July 28-July 31, but ended up staying until August 7 because of weather.
The day they made this video was the first time a plane had landed all week! They were on standby and hopeful they’d make it on. They didn’t, and spirits were down and getting in the water made them forget all about the disappointment they felt at the airport.
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The Alaska Teen Media Institute gives teens a voice in their community by providing them with the tools and training needed to produce their own stories. The stories are then shared through a variety of media. The teens produce a radio show called, In Other News. The show airs on KNBA 90.3 FM at 4 p.m. the last Saturday of the month.

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