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Troopers Shoot, Kill Sutton Man
Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage
An Alaska State Trooper shot and killed a Sutton man Thursday night after the man fired a shotgun at Troopers who were trying to get him to comply with a restraining order.
How Safe Are Alaska’s Bridges?
Alexandra Gutierrez, APRN – Juneau
A section of Interstate-5 fell into the Skagit River in Washington yesterday after a truck reportedly knocked into the steel framework. No one died, but the collapse sent cars hurtling into the water. The bridge was built in 1955, and was considered to be outdated by federal standards. In Alaska, there are more than a hundred bridges that fall into that obsolete category.
Two Remote Volcano Sensors Resume Sending Seismic Data
Ben Matheson, KDLG – Dillingham
Scientists are now able to monitor two remote volcanoes on the Alaska Peninsula after equipment came back to life this spring.
Sitka Father, Son Plan Lower 48 Run Against GMOs
Ed Ronco, KCAW – Sitka
A Sitka man and his 14-year-old son are hoping to convince you that genetically modified organisms are bad for your health, and for the environment.
Singer-Songwriter Hears Call Of Alaska
Brianna Gibbs, KMXT – Kodiak
Alaskan singer songwriter Marian Call has a new album out called "Marian Call Live In Europe." The album grew out of an enormously successful Kickstarter campaign that raised more than $60,000 and sent her to Europe to perform and record a new album. Now she's finishing up a statewide tour and about to set out to play music in the western Lower 48.
AK: Girls On The Run
Anne Brice, KCAW – Sitka
To a lot of us, running seems like work, or at least exercise. But for a group of girls in Sitka, running is actually pretty fun. They’re part of an after-school program that combines running with important life lessons.
300 Villages: Anchor Point
This week we're heading to Anchor Point, a small community 14 miles north of Homer on the Kenai Peninsula. Bobby Ness lives in Anchor Point.