Memorial Day is upon us, and with it, huge minus tides in lower Cook Inlet. Excellent clam tides are hitting at the same time as the starting weekend of the summer season. But razor clams have been scarce of late. We’ll have a researcher trying to find out why, as well talking about how to pursue razors, and going after steamers and butters, too. Biology, food safety, digging, camping, cooking. You'll even hear some secret recipes on the next Outdoor Explorer.
- Tide tables for Clam Gulch from Alaska Outdoor Journal
- Clam identification guide from Alaska SeaGrant (pdf)
- Fact sheet on Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (pdf)
- Ray RaLonde on-line book on PSP from Alaska SeaGrant
- VIMEO: APU Razor Clam Survery 2013
- KBBI: Razor Clam Decline Still a Mystery to Scientists(14 May 2013)
- KBBI Coffeetable: Kenai Peninsula Razor Clams (15 May 2013)
- APRN: Students At Alaska Pacific University Research Big Fisheries Questions (25 April 2013)
HOST: Charles Wohlforth
- Dr. Bradley Harris, assistant professor, APU
- Michael Brubaker, director of Community Envronment and Health, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
LIVE BROADCAST: Thursday May 23, 2013. 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm AKT
REPEAT BROADCAST: Thursday May 23, 2013. 7:00 – 8:00 pm AKT
- Free archery instruction(May - July Anchorage)
- Seward Halibut Tournment (June 1 - 30)
- Alaska Downhill Bike Park (Opens July 4 Girdwood)
- Seldovia Human Powered Fishing Derby(May 25 & 26)
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