Young Responds to Ethics Investigation

Congressman Don Young says he’s not worried about an investigation into whether he violated ethics rules.

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The House Ethics Committee announced this month that they’re looking into whether Young misused campaign funds, failed to report gifts, and lied to federal officials. During a visit to Juneau, Young told reporters that he is cooperating with the investigation. He also accused the committee of playing politics in targeting him alongside New Jersey Democrat Rob Andrews.

“Reality is that I truly believe that they had to have a Republican as well as a Democrat,” said Young. “As you know, Andrews is under the scrutiny, too. And we’ll see what happens. I’m confident where I’ve been and I always have been. If I wasn’t that confident, I couldn’t continue to run and look Alaskans in eye.”

Young said that the new investigation should not affect his work in Washington.

“I’ve been under a cloud all my life,” said Young. “I’m sort of like living in Juneau. It rains on you all the time, and you don’t even notice it.”
Young had previously been under investigation by the FBI for similar charges, but the agency concluded that there was not enough evidence to convict him beyond reasonable doubt. In a 2010 memo, the FBI said they had instead “forwarded a letter outlining certain actions taken by Congressman Young and will leave punishment to the discretion of the Ethics Commission.”

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