Cross-country skiing is all about the trail. In your mind’s eye, that’s where you are when you think about skiing. The beauty of the place, and also the challenge, and, of course, the conditions. That’s why we talk about trails so much. On our very first episode of Outdoor Explorer, we explore the trails of southcentral – the old favorites, and some brand new trails in Girdwood and near Hatcher Pass. We’ll talk about grooming and other trail issues with an expert, and visit with coach and competitive skier Adam Verrier, who is our own trails connaisseur.
- Nordic Skiing Association of Anchorage (NSAA)
- Trail report bulletin board from Cross Country Alaska
- Adam Verrier’s UAA Nordic Ski Team blog
- Mat-Su Ski Club Government Peak Nordic Trails (including map)
- Girdwood Nordic Ski Club
- Automated weather stations around southcentral
- ADN: New nordic ski trail comes to Girdwood (20 Dec 2013)
- Westchester Lagoon Family Skate (weekly)
- Knik Kayakers & Canoers
- Big Fat Bike Festival: March 1 -3
- Fur Rondy: Feb 22 - March 3
- Post a comment below (comments may be read on-air)
- Call 550-8433 (Anchorage) or 1-888-353-5752 (statewide) during the live broadcast
LIVE BROADCAST: Thursday February 21, 2013. 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm AKT
REPEAT BROADCAST: Thursday February 21, 2013. 7:00 - 8:00 pm AKT
HOST: Charles Wohlforth
- Adam Verrier, former international racer and current coach
- Diane Moxness, Executive Director, Nordic Skiing Association of Anchorage
- Brian Burnett, Girdwood Nordic Ski Club
- Ed Strabel, Mat-Su Ski Club
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