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Alaska News Nightly: December 19, 2012

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Salazar Releases Details Of NPR-A Plan

Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage & Peter Grantiz, APRN – Washington DC

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is one step closer to finalizing a management plan for the National Petroleum Reserve on Alaska's North Slope. Salazar signed off today on the preferred alternative for the reserve and released the full details on what's included in the plan.

EPA: No New Timetable For Bristol Bay Report

The Associated Press

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says it has no timetable for completing its review of the impacts of large-scale mining in the Bristol Bay region.

Doyon Readies For Exploration

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks

Doyon is seeking permits to mobilize for oil and gas exploration work in the Yukon Flats and Nenana Basin. The permits for cross country travel are out for public comment.

Unofficial Results Show Petersburg Borough Passing

Matt Lichtenstein, KFSK – Petersburg

It looks like Petersburg-area voters have approved the formation of a Borough, but the count is not yet final. The mail-in election wrapped-up on Tuesday.

More Healthy, Local Foods Coming To Juneau Schools

Kelly Gobroski, KTOO – Juneau

Salmon and halibut on a school lunch menu? It's been happening across Alaska as schools look for healthier and more local foods for kids.

Local Alder Tested In High School Wood Shop

Robert Woolsey, KCAW – Sitka

The Sitka High wood shop is involved in an experiment to learn if young-growth timber can be made into high end furniture and other products.

One of three class sections is using locally-harvested and milled alder in their projects; the other two are using traditional hardwoods from the lower forty-eight.

Their teacher says his students don’t notice any difference.

‘Strong Women’ Class Takes Student On Journey Of Self Discovery

Anne Brice, KCAW – Sitka

We all know that growing up can be tough. The pressure to fit in can be overwhelming; so can the feeling of isolation when you don’t. Last year, sixteen-year-old Veronica Nelson took a class at Sitka’s alternative school called “Strong Women,” that took her on a journey of self discovery.

KCAW’s Anne Brice has her story. For parents, some of the themes discussed in this piece may be unsuitable for very young listeners.