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Seward, Mat-Su Clean Up, Kenai To Get More Rain

The cleanup is underway in Talkeetna and in other areas of the Matanuska Susitna Borough, but south of Anchorage, more rain is falling.

River waters continue to rise on the Kenai Peninsula, and a flood warning has been extended until later this (Monday) afternoon a for Seward and for Tuesday night for the entire Kenai Peninsula Borough.

Latest updates from the city of Seward indicate that Lowell Point Road is closed until further notice. Joanna Kinney, city clerk, says Seward's emergency operations center will be closing down this evening, and reopening Tuesday morning.

The flood warning for Seward has been extended until 4:00 pm today (Monday).

The state department of Environmental Conservation has issued a warning for all Kenai Peninsula property owners near flooding streams and rivers, advising people with onsite wells on flooded property to boil any water used for drinking, cooking or washing, or even dish washing. DEC warns that flooded wells may be contaminated with organisms that cause illness. Well owners need to disinfect wells with chlorine, then flush them after the flood waters subside. Well water should next be tested for safety.

Meanwhile, the Kenai River Special Management area has closed to all boating traffic, effective at 1 pm today

. Jack Blackwell, area state parks superintendent for Kenai -Prince William Sound state parks, says the closure includes power boats and paddle.

"Based on the current and forecast water levels, the director issued an order yesterday (Sunday) that puts the closure in place for this (Monday) afternoon. The reasons for the closure is ..there's a couple of reasons.. first it's for public safety, the other two reasons are to help protect habitat as well as property."

Blackwell says the closures will most affect guided fishing guides still working the river system.

The closure does not affect the waters of Skilak and Kenai Lakes.

It extends from Kenai River Mile 82 downstream to four miles above the river’s mouth on Cook Inlet. There are fifteen state parks as well as many other municipal, borough, federal and private lands in the special management area.

Meanwhile, the National Weather Service has extended the flood warning on the Kenai River from lake to mouth until 10:00 pm Tuesday.

River levels are expected to approach flood stage midday today.