Call for Submissions: 2013 PBS Online Film Festival

Call for Submissions to the 2013 PBS Online Film Festival

The PBS Online Film Festival is back for its second year and Native American Public Telecommunications, Inc. (NAPT) wants you to be a part of it. NAPT is searching for the best in Native short films from American Indian and Alaska Native filmmakers across the country. As an organization, we’d like to help curate your short film into the larger submission process.

Last year, Horse You See by Melissa Henry (Navajo) won the online People’s Choice Award.

If you’d like to submit your completed work for consideration in the 2013 PBS Online Film Festival, please contact NAPT and submit the associated deliverables as outlined below:

Email with the subject line of “2013 PBS Online Film Fest Submission.” In the body of the email, include the following deliverables:

  • URL(s) and password (if required) to view an online version of your short film(s)
  • Short films should be between three to five minutes in length
  • Short film name and synopsis
  • Crew names & titles, Tribal affiliations (if applicable), short bio for each crew member
  • Two (2) signature images from the short film; Specs: 300 dpi, .jpegs

Deadline for submissions is 5 p.m. PT on Friday, September 28, 2012. Submissions that are selected for further consideration will be notified by the end of October, as well as submissions that may need to be revisited for consideration for future festivals.

Questions pertaining to the submission process, may also be emailed to NAPT is excited to see the amazing work that Indian Country is doing!

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