The TED Radio Hour will continue on KSKA in August at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm, but will move to Tuesdays.
August 7
Where Ideas Come From: The birth of a new idea could be the strongest force for change that we know. Understanding where ideas come from can help us harness the power of our thoughts. In this hour, we’ll hear about what happens when ideas interact–and procreate–with each other, and, how to broaden our approach to cultivating ideas from the quieter voices in the room.
August 14
The Future of Cities: For centuries, cities have been bringing people together. Now, for the first time in history, more than half the world’s population lives in cities. What draws people to them? What changes when we live closer together? How can cities offer humanity its best hope for a sustainable future? Several TED speakers investigate the future of our urban zones.
August 22 (2 pm only)
Building A Better Classroom: We know getting a good education is important, but does the current model nurture real learning? Three TED speakers share powerful ideas about how to change the education for the better. Teachers are flipping classrooms, rethinking lesson plans, and re-imagining the role of teacher and student, learner and educatori. (No repeat at 7pm due to Running)
August 28
Africa, The Next Chapter: There are many stereotypes about Africa–that it’s a place of conflict, of disease, war, and famine. Or that it’s a single place at all, rather than a continent of 54 distinct countries. We’ll engage with thinkers and do-ers who are constructing new realities for their respective countries, and for the African continent a whole.