Former Militiaman Speaks Out Against Verdict

A past member of the Alaska Peacemaker’s Militia says this week’s conviction of leader Schaeffer Cox and two group members is a sign of eroding freedom. Cox and Lonnie Vernon were found guilty Tuesday of plotting to kill government officials and having illegal weapons.  A 3rdmilitaman, Coleman Barney was solely convicted of weapons violations. Former Fairbanks militia sergeant Gary Brockman says the guilty verdicts confirm government overreach.

Brockman says the verdict treads over our rights to free speech and to take up arms.  Brockman says he was not involved in the militia when informants infiltrated the group and recorded conversations about retaliating against government officials.  He says the Fairbanks militia was never the citizen army Cox portrayed, but the larger movement remains alive in Alaska.

Brockman says any ongoing militia groups will likely be keeping a low profile, and there are too many eyes on him to consider participation.

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Dan Bross is a reporter at KUAC in Fairbanks.

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