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Fatherhood Then & Now


With Father's Day coming up, we at Kids These Days! thought it the perfect time to explore the role of fathers through history. How have dads changed, and how have they stayed the same through wars, civil rights movements, evolving social expectations and shifting economic times? We'll learn about the growing Alaska Native Fatherhood Movement and the groups that advocate for an active, engaged father (or father figure) in every child's life - and why it matters. Join us for this discussion that spans decades, cultures and a country as we look at dads in the USA, then and now.

Joining host Shana Sheehy to discuss all things dad are two special guests - both fathers, these professionals have made it a focus of thier careers to focus on the topic of fatherhood. Patrick Anderson considered one of the founders of the Alaska Native Fatherhood Movement is father to three children and the President of Chugachmiut Native Corporation. Dr. Ralph LaRossa is a Professor of Sociology at Georgia State University and the author of two books about the history of fatherhood in the United States. <Read more about these guests at>

PLUS, we learn about Alaska's Fatherhood Movement - what does it look like and who is involved? And how have dads on TV changed (or stayed the same) since the 1950's?
Detailed links, excerpts and resources from this show can be found on

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