Immigration in Anchorage Dialogue

Most of us understand that Anchorage has broad mix of people from around the world, but do we understand the challenges they face and how they enrich our community and schools?

This year, at the Alaska Common Ground annual meeting, we will hear from two people who are intimately involved with our immigrant population. You will have an opportunity to raise questions, provide comments, and advise Alaska Common Ground if we should continue exploring this topic and, if so, how.

Immigration in Anchorage
Saturday, May 5th, 2012 10:30 – 1 pm
Mountain View Library
120 Bragaw St (next to Clark Middle School)
Doors open at 10 am

Robin Bronen, Executive Director, Alaska Immigration Justice Project
Carol Comeau, Superintendent, Anchorage School District

This meeting is free and open to the public.

Alaska Common Ground (ACG) is a membership supported non-profit, non-partisan organization that focuses on Alaska’s public policy issues. More information at or

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