Course Teaches About Home Sustainability

Ultra energy efficient building is possible and makes sense.  That’s the focus of a course called: “A 21st Century Sustainable Home” at University of Alaska Fairbanks this Saturday.  It’s taught by Cooperative Extension Service Sustainability coordinator Rich Seifert, author of “A Solar Design Manual for Alaska.” Seifert says it all starts with super insulated walls, doors and windows.

Seifert says two such homes built in Fairbanks in recent years have proven that a near zero net energy house is possible in the interior. The homes rely on storing a large quantity of solar heated water.  The homes are not cheap to build, but Seifert says long term savings make up the difference.

Seifert says contractors are trying to bring down the cost of building the sustainable house by modularizing components.

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Dan Bross is a reporter at KUAC in Fairbanks.

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