Anchorage Recruiting Election Workers

Across the nation, there is a shortage of election workers, Anchorage is no exception. Many capable election workers have been dedicated for many years, but encouraging the younger generation to participate is the only way we can continue to produce Election Results. Each year, the Municipality of Anchorage recruits to fill nearly 600 positions to work at precincts on Election Day.

On April 3, 2012 Election Workers work from 6:00am to 10:00pm


  • Must be a registered voter in Anchorage.
  • Must be able to organize and accurately process paperwork.
  • Must attend a paid two hour mandatory training session.
  • Must be able to remain non partisan while at the polling place.
  • Must be able to follow the provided job instructions accurately.
  • This position pays $9.50 per hour for both Training and Election Day and $12.00 for Chairmen.

More information can be found at, 243‐VOTE or

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