Kodiak Bear Still Awake, Active at Night

A bear that lives in Kodiak appears to have insomnia. When most other bruins are curled up in their dens, tracks of one adult male have been spotted numerous times during the last week in the fresh snow.

Fish and Game biologist Larry Van Daele says the bear is apparently shy of people and has no interest in dogs, and he is almost exclusively nocturnal. Besides a few Dumpster raids, there have been no reports of property damage or aggressive encounters.

Even though the bear has not caused any trouble, Van Daele is warning people to be careful in the area.

He says it’s uncommon for a bear to be active near town this time of year, but it’s not unprecedented. Radio collar studies on other bears show that up to 25 percent of adult males do not bed down for the entire winter.

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Jay Barrett is the news director at KMXT in Kodiak.

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