A group of about two-dozen protestors were chanting, “the corporation ... the corporation ... is not a person ... is not a person ... that word belongs to you and me ... that word belongs to you and me,” in front of the Federal courthouse in Downtown Anchorage Friday.
They're part of the national 'Move To Amend Rally' taking place at courthouses across the nation today and this weekend. Cindy Karns of Eagle River helped organize the Anchorage event. She says the protest marks the second anniversary of the Citizens United Supreme Court Decision.
“Citizens United was a court case, a supreme court case ruling two years ago tomorrow that citizens - that corporations are people and money is speech, so now the corporations can make super PACs and spend as much money as they want on elections...94 percent of the time the person with the most money wins the election,” Karns said.
Karns says they want an amendment to the Constitution to limit the influence of corporations on politics. The protesters say they were inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement.