We know that change can be hard, but we think you'll like what we're doing with the Top of the World Telegraph.
You'll still get the latest round-up of news from more than 60 sources. You'll still have access to a broad spectrum of stories that reflect your interest in a wide variety of subjects, from marine transport to energy. And you'll still get the Telegraph in your inbox once a week.
But we've reorganized the subject areas we focus on, to reflect changing priorities at the Institute and for our readers. In addition to a section from Around the Arctic, which will include Fisheries, Telecommunications, etc., the following three themes have been identified as particularly important for subscribers.
- Energy and Power
- Transportation and Infrastructure
- Safety, Sovereignty and Security
We've invited expert contributors - see the Decoding the Arctic section - as well as young researchers and leaders - check out Northern Lights, where you'll have a chance to hear from a diverse array of individuals who will comment on issues you care about. We hope you enjoy this week's stories from Alaska's Lieutenant Governor Mead Treadwell, and Karlin Itchoak, who is reporting on the recently held Conference of Young Alaskans.
This isn't just an Alaska venture, however. Did you know we have subscribers from each of the eight Arctic nations; from Japan, China and South Korea; from nine European countries; from South Korea, Argentina and Kazakhstan; Albania, Honduras, Australia, Mexico, and Panama? If you would like to submit a guest column, please contact us at telegraph@institutenorth.org.
The Institute of the North’s Top of the World Telegraph will continue to provide relevant news about Arctic issues relevant to the pubic and private sector; researchers and academics; policy and governance experts; as well as community leaders. The ultimate goal of the Telegraphis to provide subscribers with the information necessary to:
- Make Informed decisions
- Strengthen Arctic partnerships/relationships
- Empower citizens and communities
- Discuss critical Arctic related issues
Thanks again for your readership - please take a moment to forward this to a friend or update your subscription preferences. And if you have a minute, drop us a line to let us know how you like the new format. We appreciate your continued interest.
Click here to sign up for the Telegraph.
Nils Andreassen
Managing Director