Alaska Robotics, a Juneau based collective of filmmakers, released their second collection of short films in November and are kicking off an informal state tour with a screening at the Alaska Experience Theatre in Anchorage.
The new release, entitled Alaska Robotics Vol. 2, features nearly fifty shorts from the past five years.
An all ages screening is scheduled for Thursday, January 19th at 7:30 pm. The films feature some adult language but should be appropriate for most ages.
The second screening will be Friday, January 20th at 9:30 pm and is limited to audience members over 21. Alcohol will be served.
Pat Race, a member of the crew describes the screening as “a selection of our favorites, including some local classics like ‘Downtown vs. The Valley,’ ‘Buy Back Alaska’ and lots of newer work.”
A sample clip of the groups work, via their youtube page:
Tickets can be purchased at the door or online at
To learn more about the group, visit
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