Fourth Chinook Predicted in Southcentral

The National Weather Service is predicting another Chinook for Southcentral Alaska starting Tuesday. If it materializes, it will be the fourth windy and warm event of the season. The last Chinook blew through Anchorage Sunday, with winds up to 104 miles per hour on the hillside and 40 miles per hour in town. Temperatures climbed as high 46 degrees. Dave Snider is a forecaster with the National Weather Service. He says it will mostly affect higher elevations.

Snider says Chinooks are tricky to forecast. If the storm diverges from models by just a few miles, it can dramatically affect how warm and windy it gets. He says it looks like this will be the last Chinook for Southcentral, at least for a while. He says he’s new to the area, but colleagues report this winter has been an odd one.

After Tuesday the forecast is calling for some snow and colder temperatures.

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Annie Feidt is the broadcast managing editor at Alaska Public Media. Reach her Read more about Anniehere

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