Army Spouses Reality Show Coming to Alaska

A Los Angeles based production company is making a documentary television series about Army spouses in Alaska. 444 Blue Productions is developing the program for the Oprah Winfrey Network.   Forty 4 Blue vice president Stephanie Drackovitch says the reality type series will explore the experiences of those left behind at Ft. Wainwright and Ft. Richardson during deployment.

Drackovitch says the 6-12 episode series will focus in on real lives of a few Alaska military families.

Drackovitch says the project is good fit for her company, which also produced a documentary on the Black Hawk down incident.  Drackovitch has an Alaska connection.  She says her mom’s family has deep roots in the state, and her childhood was spent in Anchorage, when her father was deployed to Korea and Vietnam.

Drackovitch says she’ll be back in Alaska working on casting in Anchorage and Fairbanks the week after Thanksgiving.  She says she’s already heard from hundreds of people interested in being on the show.  Filming is planned for late winter through early June, with  the series likely going to air late next year.  The Army is supportive of the project, and 44 Blue has been working with military officials for several month getting necessary approvals.

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Dan Bross is a reporter at KUAC in Fairbanks.

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