Alaska Commission on Aging

Aging in Alaska: Alaska Commission on Aging

The Alaska Commission on Aging (ACoA) advocates for state policy, public and private partnerships, state/federal projects and citizen involvement that assists each of us to age successfully in our homes, in our communities or as near as possible to our communities and families.

The ACoA collaborates with the Division of Senior and Disabilities Services, the Department, provider agencies and the public to develop the Alaska’s State Plan for Services and the Intra-state funding formula to allocate pass-thru grant funds received from the U.S. Administration on Aging. The ACoA also collaborates with the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority for project and program development, and makes funding recommendations as required by Alaska Statutes.

Aging in Alaska Host:
Lisa Wawrzonek, Director of education at Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska

Denise Daniello, Executive Director, Alaska Commission on Aging
Sharon Howerton-Clark, Chairperson, Alaska Commission on Aging

Alaska Commission on Aging

Aging in Alaska Podcasts

Aging in Alaska – Alaska Commission on Aging

Aging in Alaskais a radio show produced by theAlzheimer's Resource of Alaska. It was created to provide information, insight, guidance and support to Alaska's elders and their caregivers. Each month we will talk with medical professionals, caregivers and others with expertise in the field to explore the many aspects of aging here at home in Alaska.

Alzheimer's Resource of Alaska is the state’s leading source of information, support and services for individuals with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia (ADRD). We are a non-profit organization serving individuals with ADRD as well as frail elders throughout the state since 1984.

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