Southcentral Residents Asked to Reduce Energy Usage for Test

For two hours this evening residents of Southcentral Alaska are being asked to reduce voluntarily their energy use. The 6-8:00 p.m. test involves the Matunuska Susitna and Kenai Peninsula Boroughs, along with the Municipality of Anchorage.

The purpose is to see if the region were to experience a problem with the delivery of natural gas, how much impact household energy reductions might help the situation.

The most likely delivery difficulties would be during an extended winter cold spell.

In previous years, consumer participation in the tests has reduced consumption by 3 to 5 percent.

Natural gas not only provides residential heating but is also the major source for electrical power in the region.

During the two hours, residents are asked to lower thermostats to 65 degrees, turn off unnecessary lights and reduce dishwasher, clothes washer, clothes dryer and oven use.

The results will be announced on Monday, Oct. 24.

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