The Anchorage Parks App is Here!

The new Anchorage Parks app on iphone.

Have a voice in improving your neighborhood parks…using your smart phone! The Anchorage Park Foundation and the Anchorage Parks and Rec. Department are looking for to get input on parks using the Park Report Card feature on their new Anchorage Parks Mobile App. The free download is available for Androids and iPhones, and features a full park directory by name, location, and will link you directly to a map if you ever need directions (never get lost again!)

We did paper report cards in 2008, and thanks to the help of volunteer evaluators, the Anchorage Park Foundation since then has raised and invested $2 million into our city’s park system. Anchorage has 223 parks, with assets valued at $750 million, and with approximately $250 million in deficiencies and needed repair.

Not an fancy schmancy phone person? You can download the Park Report Card from our website and return completed forms to 715 L St. by October 2nd. Get started today to help improve our parks! Email for more info on how to get involved.

 | Website

The Anchorage Park Foundation is building Healthy Parks & Healthy People by mobilizing public support and financial resources for Anchorage parks, trails, and recreation opportunities.

For the past six years, the Anchorage Park Foundation has been making it possible for volunteer and investors like you to make park improvements that affect our whole community, one neighborhood at a time. APF works tirelessly to build community through three main programs: Challenge Grants, Neighborhood Park Improvements, and Youth Employment in Parks.  It is a place for you to invest in our community parks, trails, and the neighborhood places you love.

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