U.S. House Rejects Cutting Funding to Offensive in Libya

In a surprising turn of events Friday, the U.S. House rejected a measure to cut off funding for the U.S. offensive in Libya. In an odd coalition, Republican leadership and liberal Democrats were pushing the effort to buck President Obama’s efforts there. But despite the GOP having the majority in the House, leadership couldn’t muster the votes. Republicans had 89 votes against the resolution. Congressman Don Young calls that shocking. He supported it and wants to cut off funding. Young says the U.S. should be out of Libya. The final vote was 180 to 238.

President Obama has pledged to do only air strikes, but Young fears the U.S. will end up putting troops on the ground. He calls the President’s decision to go in three months ago a bad mistake.

“That’s a crazy country…not going to win.”

The House resolution would have cut off funding for the U.S. forces that aren’t engaged in support missions for the NATO coalition. It would have severed money for drone strikes.

Earlier Friday, the House rejected another resolution that would have authorized the military effort in Libya. That vote failed 123 to 295. Young stuck with his message of ending the fight in Libya and voted against it.

Republicans and some Democrats who voted against authorization wanted to punish President Obama because he didn’t ask for Congressional authorization before launching the Libyan airstrikes. But those who voted to support authorization said they worried a divisive vote would
send a message to Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi and NATO that the U.S. is weak and isn’t supporting the war effort.

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